
小時候就很喜歡文字,圖案。看著那些漫畫家,小說家能夠簡單的用文字圖案把所有事情記錄下來,我都好羨慕。 我畫畫不行,那麼我就拍照片;寫作不行。那麼我就用寫信交筆友開始。 再寫日記,再現在慢慢寫文章。 家裡保留了很多本日記,看回曾經寫的,特有感覺。現在我也繼續寫,就用鍵盤吧。 我什麼都寫,可以是日記,可以是資訊,可以是我個人筆記本。 記錄,保留,懷念,珍惜。

Hey there! I know you are planning to come to ireland! your first step into a less bumpy, more giggle-filled journey to Ireland. I’m Stiva(aka yoke), and I landed in Ireland back in 2012, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, only to find myself bobbing in the deep end without much of a guide.

Fast forward through a whirlwind of a graduation in 2013, I’ve spent the last decade (yes, a whole decade!) as a student consultant, making the path smoother for folks from China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Macau. Because let’s face it, moving countries shouldn’t feel like deciphering a cryptic crossword.

Why I Started This Service

Upon my arrival in Ireland, I was struck by my own lack of knowledge and felt overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty about my future. With no one to guide me through the initial steps, I faced challenges that I knew could have been mitigated with the right support. It’s this experience that motivated me to create a service where no newcomer has to feel lost or alone. My mission is to ensure that every person who comes to Ireland is welcomed with the knowledge, support, and guidance they need to confidently embrace their new life.

My Approach

Because one size fits no one really, I offer the whole menu: from group seminars that aren’t snooze-fests to one-on-one chats where we can spill the tea on all things Ireland. Whether you’re in for a gathering or craving a bit of me-time, I tailor my advice like a bespoke suit—snazzy, fitting, and oh-so-stylish.

What Sets Me Apart

My clients say I’m the human equivalent of a Swiss Army knife—trustworthy, handy, and always ready with a solution (or a witty remark). I’m your go-to for making the big move as smooth as Irish cream liqueur, with the added bonus of language skills in Chinese, Cantonese, and English. Need to bridge a cultural gap or just fancy a good natter? I’m your person.

My Love for Ireland

Falling for Ireland was easier than finding a four-leaf clover in my backyard. It’s the only place where ‘small’ means ‘just the right size’, packed to the brim with love, kindness, and the occasional rain shower (because, Ireland). My heart’s been here since day one (and trust me, my heart’s a tough critic).

Vision for the Future

I’m shooting for the stars here: I want stiva (yes,me) to be the name on everybody’s lips when they dream of Ireland. Think of me as your first mate in this adventure, steering you away from icebergs and towards pots of gold.

So, welcome aboard! Ireland’s calling, and together, we’re going to answer with the most spectacular high kick. Let’s make your transition more “Top of the morning!” and less “Oh, Jesus.”

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